Update on Covid-19 Data

by Kirk Kreikemeier on
Here is an update to last month's post on COVID-19 including updated projections WITH NEW MODELING from IHME. I also graph the expanded testing taking place and favorable trends.

Lemonade Anyone?

by Kirk Kreikemeier on
I focus this mid-month blog post on a market update given the recent volatility. At the end, I briefly mention some things to consider with these lemons.

The Good, the Great and the Ugly of the SECURE Act

by Kirk Kreikemeier on
In this post I take a deeper dive into three of the SECURE Act changes impacting people at different phases of life. And with a nod to the classic films once upon a time, the changes I discuss are good, great and downright ugly.

Asset Class Returns - 12/31/2019

by Kirk Kreikemeier on
2019 returns were very strong across most asset classes, something not many expected at the beginning of the year. View six charts which capture the current market. As viewers of Hill Street Blues may remember - "Let's be careful out there."

Asset Class Returns - 11/30/2019

by Kirk Kreikemeier on
A relatively quiet month on the surface as the market seems content with a Fed on hold (reinforced at Powell Congressional testimony mid-month), inflation and GDP solid but not hot, and trade negotiations moving along.